Friday, December 11, 2009


50. I told my Doctor that I might be half way. He laughed and said, "At least you're an optimist."
50 years old, 15 more and I will have old age pension. ..... now what..... what about all those things that i was going to do. i better get busy.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

New blog

Once i have a blog i click on new post. I give it a title and type information in it. Click Publish Post

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


This morning i whistled for our dog Chico. It was early and the dew was laying about were ever there was shadow. Chico did not arrive. Hmmm...... He is off on an adventure again.
Later this morning i whistled again and up he gets from the tree bark piled around the trees, as if he had been there all night..... right, you sly dog you. Off on an adventure and then pretending to be just getting up.
It was time to tie him up so he does not follow me to school. So, I walk to the car and throw my lunch in the back seat. Chico sees this and knows i am not taking the truck. So therefore he knows that he cannot come with me. He stares at me with some kind of hope and a longing look in his eye but no,.... i walk past the truck towards his chain. He does not follow. I call him and he does not come. I call him again and he just looks at me. I crouch down and call him. This usually works. No. he watches and waits. His tail is still. I insist he come and he finally moves. He jogs toward me but changes his mind and hurries to the quad and jumps up on the box on the back rack. he looks at me again with that look of , I would rather go quadding than be tied up look. Poor creature.
I tied him up any way.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Math resource

Yesterday a staff member that also teaches math handed me a resource for math testing. I looked it over and found it to be very good and will use it today . This staff member is somewhat new to the use of technology. This morning i asked him where he got it. He said, "online, you just go the the web site and click on...." and so on.
It is a good feeling when others on my staff are using technology for teaching.

Monday, May 25, 2009


So,.... why is it that as a group of teachers, we do not create a unit of study or 2 on a Moodle?

We could edit it and, change it as we go. It could evolve. It could make reference to the curriculum. It could be like a group of teachers publishing something we all could use. Perhaps, it could be created by a PLC group for the purpose of teaching a given area of study.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Why do Eye brows grow? More importantly , why do they wait till a guy is getting older and then they start to grow? What is up with that? Do eyebrows stay dormant for a while? Eye brows were never a problem before. Are they a sign of grouchy old man syndrome or something?

Bullying is when ...

Bullying is when people are not nice. It is when someone makes another person feel bad for an invalid reason. Bullying includes the total absence of Empathy for another person. Bullying is acting in a way that erodes another persons self concept. A person who bullies is counter productive to a group dynamic.

Sometimes bullying is used to gain friends or popularity. Sometimes bullying tactics are used to get people to do stuff. Bullying used to get people to do stuff, causes unhealthy stress and may be counter productive.

Each and every person has a different background, from which they have observed, experienced, and learned behavior. This most likely, will influence how people will act in new situations.
The more education one has, the more environments and experiences one may draw on to help determine how to interact with others.

So how do we help others when it is perceived that they are being a bully.

1. Tell them that they're behavior is being perceived as bullying.
2. Explain what bullying is.
3. Provide them with knowledge and examples of what is acceptable behavior is.
4. Teach them to be empathetic people.