Thursday, April 30, 2009


ICU - Intensive care unit
What a wonderful place to be if you need a lot of care. I had the opportunity to spend time with my Aunty while she was in hospital for surgery and then later in the ICU. The ICU room is filled with people talking and writing and collaborating and observing and assessing and evaluating and making decisions.
Quite intense.
With all this they say we do not know how the person will do. It is up to them.
Perhaps it is will or ... whether or not a person is able to recover.
Maybe both.
Aunty is 92. She is full of will and determination. She held my hand very tight even when she was barely awake. Almost as though she did not have to make a conscious decision to do so. She was given a 30 to 40% chance. One person that knew her said that if the surgeon said 30 to 40 he may have meant 40 to 50 and knowing Aunt Jo you could add another 20.
Aunty will be getting out of ICU when a bed in observation is ready.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Medstead Broadband student connectivity rate

Medstead Central School is a rural school that worked with Industry Canada to provide high speed access to the school and surrounding rural area. was the successful applicant to Medstead Broadband project. Little Loon Wireless was created and became the ISP.

Before the project began Medstead school had and inadequate connection to the internet and there was no high speed connectivity to the village or reral area.

The folowing is todays connectivity to high speed. 100% survey - students 7-12

87.18% - students connected to high speed
66.67% - students are Little Loon customers
90.91% - rural students are connected to high speed.

* during the project Sasktel deployed DSL connectivity to the village of Medstead.
** a large portion of rural customers are Little Loon
87.18% 66.67% 90.91%


The current deployment of bandwidth in this province needs to be changed in order to provide everyone with reasonable high speed. I have noticed however that it is moving slowly and most likely it will improve. but... some rural people are being left out. I see city schools bandwidth increasing, so most likely our rural school will follow. The current speed that we have does not meet Industry Canada requirements for high speed.

The cost of technology and where it is going

The cost of technology will be a higher cost to the public if we continue to train them. It will be lower if we educate them.
We need less this is how you do it, and more go discover what this is for.

Well i guess sometimes everyone needs some training, this is how you do this.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Web 2 instead

I am learning again. feels good to change my mind. Web 2 may have removed the need for more stuff in the school, like publishing applications and the need for a static ip. These were very important goals that may or may not be needed anymore, but are nice to have. Static ip what a concept. I notice the service providers charge more for one, than an ip address that changes.
We will continue to publish student work on our own server. We are also using web 2. Web 2 provides a huge variety of resouces.
A server has been turned over to some grade 8 students. it has it's own static ip. it will be interesting to see what they do with it. I expect that they will start with web page stuff. i think i will smake suggesstions that will challenge them after a while. maybe databases.